IndieView with Kevin Moore, author of The Book of Demons

I’ve been joining book clubs that have read “The Book of Souls” and I spoke with many readers in those clubs that said this is not my typical genre of book. Those are the readers that I want…

Kevin Moore – 15 October 2022

The Back Flap

When Mr. Philips discovers a powerful, cursed painting whose magic he can use for personal gain, he will stop at nothing to acquire it…including murder.

Before he can get his hands on it, the painting goes missing and its artist is found dead. Enraged, Mr. Philips vows to hunt it down. But someone else finds it first: Jack, a teenage mystic who understands the painting’s tremendous power and would do anything to keep Mr. Philips from harnessing it.

Along with two unexpected allies—a non-verbal autistic child and the spirit of a dead nun—Jack battles to keep the painting away from Mr. Philips. But as the stakes rise along with the body count, their epic battle for possession of the painting may cost Jack everything and everyone he loves.

About the book

What is the book about?

The Book of Demons is an urban fantasy about a mystical painting and the power that it holds.

When did you start writing the book?

I started writing The Book of Souls and The Book of Demons about three to four years ago.

How long did it take you to write it?

A solid two years before editing began.

Where did you get the idea from?

From a true event and a lucid set of dreams.

Were there any parts of the book where you struggled?

Yes, many places which is why one book became two.

What came easily?

In The Book of Demons, I knew and loved Jack on a deep level after creating him in The Book of Souls. I also knew what he wanted more than anything else in the world.  The same was true for Mr. Philips – Seymour Hunter, so working with them both was so fun and I had real clarity for both those characters.

Are your characters entirely fictitious or have you borrowed from real world people you know?

I borrowed big time!!! Jack, I know intimately, he has a lot of me in him, or I have a lot of him in me! Some of the supporting characters come from people I knew or know. But essentially, they are all me in some way – they came from my mind and heart.

We all know how important it is for writers to read. Are there any particular authors that have influenced how you write and, if so, how have they influenced you?

Many, many. Starting with Dr. Seuss, Harper Lee…

Do you have a target reader?

I’ve been joining book clubs that have read The Book of Souls and I spoke with many readers in those clubs that said this is not my typical genre of book. Those are the readers that I want…  It seemed like a nice surprise to them and of course to me when they said, but I loved this book – I couldn’t put it down. I like to surprise myself. That’s why I became a yoga teacher in my 50s.  I enjoy picking up a book that I’m not sure is for me and then finding enjoyment.  That’s my target – the people who say “I Don’t know, it’s not what I typically read…” Book Forward is doing the marketing so they may have a different target group.

About Writing

Do you have a writing process? If so can you please describe it?

I try everything. But first something has to call to me.  Maybe it’s a character or a premise, that keeps talking to me. Someone who wakes me up in the middle of the night and makes me think or dream about them. I am a lucid dreamer and I try to use that.  But I have used story cards, a synopsis and then I wait to see if I need to write “the story.”  I have ten things dancing in my head, on note pads and in dreams right now.

Do you outline? If so, do you do so extensively or just chapter headings and a couple of sentences?

Not with The Book of Demons, nor with The Book of Souls. I have gone to a few classes to learn that technique.  I think it’s important. I wrote the book first and then went back with story boards to clean it up.

Do you edit as you go or wait until you’ve finished?

I am intuitive in life and I try to get the story out. If it’s obvious I will edit as I go, but I want to get it down on paper, especially when a character or plot is flowing.

Did you hire a professional editor?

I hired a professional editor before showing it to anyone other than my wife.

Do you listen to music while you write? If yes, what gets the fingers tapping?

I do and I did for certain scenes in the books.  I listened to Carmina Burana when I was writing the scene with Jack in the subway when he really gets in touch with the voices of the spiritual world for the first time. I like to find mood music or sounds to help me step into the world I am trying to create.  There is another chapter that I listened to the sound of rain the entire time.

About Publishing

Did you submit your work to Agents?

I was talking with an agent before the release of The Book of Souls and I have had agents in the past.

What made you decide to go Indie, whether self-publishing or with an indie publisher? Was it a particular event or a gradual process?

Time. I grew up in an era where you did not have a lot of Indie options. There were and still are “gate keepers.” Who do you know that can get you into that door?  Now you can get your work out there. I’m glad I did because we are getting really good responses. And it’s out there – not sitting waiting for someone to give the nod.

Did you get your book cover professionally done or did you do it yourself?


Do you have a marketing plan for the book or are you just winging it?

I am working with Book Forward who is helping me with all of that.  The marketing is very hard – just trying to get the word out. It takes more time than writing and is less fun. Although I love interaction with podcasts, book clubs, interviews.

Any advice that you would like to give to other newbies considering becoming Indie authors?

If you have something to say and really need to say it. Do it!  But it’s not easy and I still think there is a bias with being an Indie Writer even if the story and the book are great.

About You

Where did you grow up?

New York City.  Manhattan is my home town.

Where do you live now?

Los Angeles – the City of Angeles.

What would you like readers to know about you?

There is something to learn from everyone you meet. Oh, and don’t be a jackass – they are a dime a dozen. Try and leave a place better than you found it…

What are you working on now?

I’m not writing anything intensely, but I am making notes, working on a story idea.  However, Jack has been showing up in my dreams. I don’t think he is done with me yet…

End of Interview:

Get your copy of The Book of Demons from Amazon US or Amazon UK.

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