Category Archives: Reviews

IndieView with Indie Reviewer, Kat, of the Aussie Zombie

“I know a lot of readers that support indie/self-published authors – myself included!  I love thinking I’ll be the person to discover the next ‘big thing’. I think most of the reason reading has become ‘cool’ again is the variety now available.”

Kat – The Aussie Zombie 28 January 2012 Continue reading

Adarna SF is looking for a fourth reviewer

Just a heads up for people who like reading (and reviewing) speculative fiction. Adarna SF is looking for a a fourth reviewer. Adarna is a great site with a great bunch of people and headed up by Frida Fantastic who is an awesome person. Head over here to sign up.

IndieView with Indie Book Reviewer, Frida Fantastic

Adarna SF A Speculative Fiction Review Blog“I ask myself, “Do I want to live in this universe for the next 8 hours of my leisure time?” Books with uninformative blurbs and samples boggle me. I’ve seen samples with nothing but maps of some fantasy world I don’t care about (yet). I don’t find the lack of information intriguing—I find it frustrating.”

Frida Fantastic – 9 September 2011 Continue reading

IndieView Ian Woodhead, author of, Shades of Green

Cover for Shades of Green by Ian Woodhead

“As for influences, I think James Herbert and Steve Harris are the main ones but I’m sure that works of Stephen king, Guy N Smith, Philip K Dick and Clive Barker will have helped shape my subconscious writing too. Saying that, I think that now I’m reaching a point where I can see my own style emerging. A few reviewers have commented upon this, I find that a little odd, as I didn’t really think I had a style.” Ian Woodhead 14January 2011 Continue reading

Changes to the Indie Reviewers List

I’ve made some minor changes to the Indie Reviewers List. If you’re in the wrong category please let me know. Public Service Announcement Over.

IndieView: Red Adept Reviews

As visitors to the blog know, I am a big believer in the power of a review to help your book sales. More important, I believe it is through the work of reviewers that Indie books will shrug off the stigma that has long accompanied them. I have the pleasure today to introduce you to Lynn O’Dell, author and publisher of Red Adept Reviews. Lynn has graciously accepted my invitation to give us an insight into how she started, how she reviews, and her thoughts on publishing.

*** Continue reading

101 Ways To Get Your Book Reviewed

Actually there’s only one way to get your book reviewed, but now there are 101 places to get it reviewed, all on the Indie Reviewers List.

If you love reading and like to write about what you have read, why not sign up? It’s easy and you’ll get authors sending you their work, asking for your opinion.

The only way to get your book reviewed is to send a polite email to one or more of the reviewers listed on the Indie Reviewers List. You can of course pay for a review, but then what you get is an opinion that you paid for.

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