BookView with L.D. Valencia, author of The Protectorate Academy

I wanted to speak with someone at the FBI academy in order to do some research for this book, but I was pretty firmly told no on that front. So, I had to do some research on my own and figure out stuff myself. 

L.D. Valencia – 2 March 2022

The Back Flap

Everything has been leading to this.

Gabriel is now done with college, but he can’t become an agent yet. Not until he graduates from the Protectorate Academy. This training program is meant to push prospective agents to their limits, and see if they crack.

Now, Gabriel comes face-to-face with a class full of potential agents. All of them are gunning for the limited spots. Gabriel’s instructors throw them into all kinds of dangerous training exercises, hoping to weed out the weakest. These aren’t your everyday professors.

But everything changes when one of the leaders of the Academy wants Gabriel out of the picture. What will he do with a target on his back?

About the book

What is the book about?

This book is about a group of college students that enter the Protectorate Academy in order to become Protectorate Agents. There they will be tested and trained on how to use their superpowers. Many of the cadets will wash out or be kicked out, but Gabriel and his friends are determined. However, things change when Gabriel winds up in the cross hairs of the Academy director.

When did you start writing the book?

I wrote this book early in 2021.

 How long did it take you to write it?

Four or five months. The planning took me a few months, but the writing came together a little quicker.

 Where did you get the idea from?

Ever since I started this book series with The Gifted Complex, I was not planning on doing this book. But when a family member told me they were going to try and attend the FBI academy, I started planning this book.

Were there any parts of the book where you struggled?

I wanted to speak with someone at the FBI academy in order to do some research for this book, but I was pretty firmly told no on that front. So, I had to do some research on my own and figure out stuff myself. I found a little on their website, and a few Youtube videos. But everything was just based on what I came up with.

What came easily?

Because this was the sixth book in the series, a lot of the character arcs were pretty easy to continue.

Are your characters entirely fictitious or have you borrowed from real world people you know?

I think a lot of the characters are based on a mix of people. None of them are directly based on people, but they may have one aspect of a person I know.

Do you have a target reader for this book?

My target audience is generally middle-grade and some young adult readers.

How was writing this book different from what you’d experienced writing previous books?

I just finished writing the eighth book in the series, and it was definitely harder.

What new things did you learn about writing, publishing, and/or yourself while writing and preparing this book for publication?

I’ve been really focusing on learning the art of publishing and preparing that correctly. It’s been a lot of work learning the marketing side of the job.

End of Interview:

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