One Door Closes…

It was with regret that I read this post today. Lynn O’Dell and her team at Red Adept has been a champion of indies since the early days and it is our loss that they have decided to call it a day.

I interviewed Lynn way back in November 2010, when her site was already popular. The thing that struck me about Lynn’s interview  was her sincerity and uncompromising attitude to quality.

The good news is that Lynn and her team have started a publishing company, a venture I am sure that will result in many fine reads to come. RedAdept also offers editing services to indies as a separate service from the publishing arm.

It may surprise some of you that this very “pro indie” site would support a publishing venture – don’t be – we’re for any venture that supports authors in a fair and equitable way.

Best of luck with the new venture, Lynn, if your future authors need an indieview, or a plug, all you have to do is ask – we owe you and your team heaps.

Best wishes,

The IndieView

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